Turkey Chili With A Kick!

I’m not usually one for sharing “my” recipes, mainly because I’m an experimental cooker. I rarely follow recipes, and when I add spices it’s usually just varying amounts of various spices… I never measure! However, I’ve found a combo for making chili that makes my heart sing. I love chili

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Are You Treating The Cause, Or Only The Symptoms?

I need to be honest with you, I hate prescription medications. I realize that some serve a purpose and are actually helping to keep people alive and keep certain pieces of their body functioning, but there are so many out there which are only treating the symptoms of disease and

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How To Modify Push-Ups To Prevent Injury and Build Strength

Push-ups are the nemesis of many who pursue fitness. Whenever I’m teaching a class and announce that it’s time for push-ups, there’s usually an array of various groans from around the room due to people not really wanting to do them. The reason a lot of people don’t want to

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Welcome to the NEW Personal Fitness At Home

My goal with this newly designed website is to be able to update more regularly with content that is meant to inspire, educate, and entertain those who visit my site. Through my blog I will share fitness tips, nutrition ideas, posts about special product discounts, as well as my journey

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