My Experience With Costochondritis

I wanted to take some time today to touch on my experiences that lead to my diagnosis of costochondritis. This blog is not meant to be a self diagnosis tool, and if you are experiencing chest pain you NEED to be checked out by a professional ASAP! I am choosing

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My Thoughts on Thanksgiving “Cheats”…

It’s that time of year again when you generally start to see all sorts of fitness blogs and fitness folks sharing their tips for a “Healthy Holiday Season.” People start stressing out about whether or not Holiday “cheats” are going to “ruin” their results. Some fitness pros will tear you

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Should I Workout When Sick?

I wanted to take some time today to touch on the topic of exercise + illness. I think this is especially important right now since we are currently living in the middle of a pandemic. I’m going to cover a few different pieces to this puzzle, as it truly does

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Recipe: Chicken & Dumplings

I fell a bit behind in blogging due to traveling across the country to be with my family while my mom was having surgery. I’m back now, and I wanted to start blogging again by sharing a recipe that I made for myself and my dad that he gave two

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Can You “Catch Up” With Your Workouts?

I want to take some time today to talk about one of the things that pains me to see over and over again. That “thing” is this idea people have that if you miss a day of workouts you can simply “double up” the following day in order to “catch

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Let’s Talk About Calories

I wanted to take some time today to talk to you about calories. Whenever you look up health and fitness stuff online you see a lot of information about calories in vs. calories out. You’ve also likely come across a lot of content that talks about the quality of calories

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The Good & The Bad of Physical Stress

I want to take a moment to talk about physical stress today. Physical stress can be a benefit to the body. In fact, physical stress is what we do to the body every time we exercise. The key, though, is to allow recovery from that physical stress, because if we

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Nutrition Chat – Nutritional Deficiencies

I want to dive more into nutritional talk today, and I’m starting with nutritional deficiencies. Being nutrient deficient in one or more nutrients can have a stress response on the body, because if the body isn’t getting the nutrients it needs it’ll get stressed and multiple symptoms will appear to

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The Newly Updated

I’m back! Formerly known as, I decided to rebrand my website to better encompass who I am – which is both a fitness professional, and a bleeding heart nerd. My “official” business name is Melanie Bolen Fitness LLC, but on the internet I’m widely known by the username “geekyfit,”

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The Real Faces of Autoimmune Disease

What is autoimmune disease? You are likely hearing this term more and more every day, and you are likely meeting more and more people who claim to have one. What does it mean, though? “A disease in which the body’s immune system attacks healthy cells.” That is the generic definition.

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