Why I Ignore My Scale

I’m going to let you in on a little secret… my scale is under my sink collecting dust.  I haven’t weighed myself in months.  Some of you may wonder why this is the case.  Now, I don’t do this because I think the scale is the devil or because I’m

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It’s Not Easy, But It’s Worth It

A lot of people give up on fitness because they are looking for super fast results, and they are also looking for an easy way to obtain those results.  Sure, there are “easy” ways to get fast results, but they aren’t going to last, and they aren’t healthy either.  You’ll

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The Promise You Make Yourself…

When you purchase a home fitness program, you are making the promise to yourself that you are going to do it, right?  At least, I hope so.  When your program arrives, I want you to promise yourself that you won’t put it onto a shelf somewhere to collect dust, with

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What the HECK am I Supposed to Eat, Anyways?

It seems that every day we find out that another supposedly “healthy” food may not be quite as healthy as we thought. Hormones in milk (possibly aspartame soon), pesticides on vegetables, genetically modified soy (GMO) and other foods, cancerous causing meats, stomach upsetting wheat… I mean, really, what can we

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Finding Your Inner Superhero

When I was a little girl I always looked up to strong female figures.  At the time, that figure was She-Ra and the various characters on She-Ra.  I was always inspired by warriors.  Just when things looked bleak, they seemed to pull through and win the fight.  As I got

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Fat. Thin. Muscular. STOP BODY SHAMING!

Body shaming has become somewhat of a norm in our daily culture, which is saddening to think about. We are in a vicious cycle of attacking each other on how we look. Those who have extra pounds get shamed for being confident and wearing what they want. Likewise, however, people

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How Having an Autoimmune Disease Changed My Beliefs

I am the type of person who wants to have a solution for everything in life. If there’s a problem, you can bet your bucket that I will try my hardest to solve it! So, you can understand that it gets really frustrating for someone like me when they are

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What To Do During The Woes Of Injury

Picture this… you are on a roll.  You’ve been rocking out on those workouts and hitting them hard.  You are losing weight, getting stronger, and feeling pretty darn invincible.  Then, the unthinkable happens… you injure yourself.  Most of the time I find that injuries happen outside of our workouts and

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