21 Day Fix Approved Mexican Pizza

I came up with this recipe the other night while experimenting, and I’m thrilled with how it turned out!  So good and satisfying and 21 Day Fix approved


1 – Ground turkey
1 tsp

Cook turkey on the stove top with taco spice seasoning

Pre-heat oven to 375

1 💛 – tortilla
1/2 – plain yogurt
1/2 💜 – salsa
1/2 💚 – mixed greens
1 💙 – shredded cheese
(I added some olives tonight)

Spread yogurt and salsa on tortilla. Then put cooked turkey meat on top. Top with cheese.

Place in oven until cheese starts to melt. Then, add greens on top. Bake until greens wilt a little.

Tonight I added olives to mine and Fletch added avocado. That’s extra blue… so, you can cut back on cheese to add more fats in if you want.


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