Category: Living Autoimmune

Exercise and Autoimmune Disease

If you have an autoimmune disease you know that doing what is a “normal” amount of exercise for some people can truly be a challenge. That is never a reason to throw in the towel, though, as the benefits of exercise highly outweigh the risks. The key to exercising with

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My Experience With Costochondritis

I wanted to take some time today to touch on my experiences that lead to my diagnosis of costochondritis. This blog is not meant to be a self diagnosis tool, and if you are experiencing chest pain you NEED to be checked out by a professional ASAP! I am choosing

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Nutrition Chat – Nutritional Deficiencies

I want to dive more into nutritional talk today, and I’m starting with nutritional deficiencies. Being nutrient deficient in one or more nutrients can have a stress response on the body, because if the body isn’t getting the nutrients it needs it’ll get stressed and multiple symptoms will appear to

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The Real Faces of Autoimmune Disease

What is autoimmune disease? You are likely hearing this term more and more every day, and you are likely meeting more and more people who claim to have one. What does it mean, though? “A disease in which the body’s immune system attacks healthy cells.” That is the generic definition.

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Unhealthy Relationships With Food & Food As A Reward

The relationship that most people have with food is an unhealthy one.  I’m really no different in that, I still have good days and bad days, but I consistently work to get better, and I hope you do too.  I’ve struggled with binge eating and also the mindset that I

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Autoimmune Disease and Too Much Cardio

I wanted to take some time today to write about what to expect if you have a workout regime that is heavy on the cardio side, but also have an autoimmune disease that you are dealing with.  One thing you’ll notice when you have an autoimmune disease is that you’ll

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Why I Ignore My Scale

I’m going to let you in on a little secret… my scale is under my sink collecting dust.  I haven’t weighed myself in months.  Some of you may wonder why this is the case.  Now, I don’t do this because I think the scale is the devil or because I’m

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It’s Not Easy, But It’s Worth It

A lot of people give up on fitness because they are looking for super fast results, and they are also looking for an easy way to obtain those results.  Sure, there are “easy” ways to get fast results, but they aren’t going to last, and they aren’t healthy either.  You’ll

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Finding Your Inner Superhero

When I was a little girl I always looked up to strong female figures.  At the time, that figure was She-Ra and the various characters on She-Ra.  I was always inspired by warriors.  Just when things looked bleak, they seemed to pull through and win the fight.  As I got

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