Category: Fitness Tips

“I Don’t Want to Lose What I’ve Gained”

A lot of people start to freak out when they get injured, when their schedule suddenly becomes busier and it’s hard to fit fitness in, when they get sick, or any number of reasons that may cause their schedule and consistency to change from where it was. I can understand

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What is Orthorexia?

You may have heard the term “orthorexia” floating around lately. I honestly hadn’t heard of it myself until within the last three years or so, despite definitely having been someone who suffered from it in the past for many years. More people suffer from this than are willing to admit

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… But What If I Hate That Workout?

Ok, I’m gonna get real with y’all… are you ready?   I just did the Phase 3 “Total Body Tone” from 9 Week Control Freak: Off the Wall. Guess what? I hated it. Yes, that’s what I said. I HATED IT. It’s not for me.   Why? I have an

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Consistency Is Key

“Consistency is key.” I’m sure you’ve heard that phrase a lot, not only in regard to fitness, but in regard to many life habits that one wants to develop and maintain. I want to touch on it today with a focus on exercise and nutrition habits. Stick with me, because

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Got Bad Posture? 9 Tips to Fix Your Slouch

Today’s blog is provided by author,  Cemile Kavountzis. Having good posture versus bad posture isn’t quite as simple as standing up straight as a drill sergeant. But hunching over devices for hours while working from home or doom-scrolling isn’t great either (hello, “text neck”).There’s no set definition for good posture

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Exercise and Autoimmune Disease

If you have an autoimmune disease you know that doing what is a “normal” amount of exercise for some people can truly be a challenge. That is never a reason to throw in the towel, though, as the benefits of exercise highly outweigh the risks. The key to exercising with

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Fuel Your Body Right

I know that a lot of people hate the phrase, “food is fuel.” It is a rather dry statement to make, especially when I also believe that food is delicious and delightful. Despite how delicious and delightful food is, however, it is still what our body considers fuel. If you

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My Thoughts on Thanksgiving “Cheats”…

It’s that time of year again when you generally start to see all sorts of fitness blogs and fitness folks sharing their tips for a “Healthy Holiday Season.” People start stressing out about whether or not Holiday “cheats” are going to “ruin” their results. Some fitness pros will tear you

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Should I Workout When Sick?

I wanted to take some time today to touch on the topic of exercise + illness. I think this is especially important right now since we are currently living in the middle of a pandemic. I’m going to cover a few different pieces to this puzzle, as it truly does

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Can You “Catch Up” With Your Workouts?

I want to take some time today to talk about one of the things that pains me to see over and over again. That “thing” is this idea people have that if you miss a day of workouts you can simply “double up” the following day in order to “catch

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